ABAP program name can be of maximum 30 characters. Various ABAP program attributes are:
Title – Enter the title of the ABAP program
Type – It is a mandatory attribute. From the drop down select the type of program. The type of ABAP program determines how the program can be executed. The type Executable Program can be directly executed. Other type choices are Module Pool, Subroutine Pool, Include Program and still others.
Status – It is optional. Choose the status of the program development, for example, customer production program or test program.
Application – Optional parameter; it is to assign ABAP program to an Application. Choose an application from the drop-down list.
Authorization Group – This is for security. Before program execution, authorization check will be applied.
Logical Database – This field is available only when ABAP program is type executable. Logical Databases objects creates a logical database and makes data available to other programs. Enter the logical database that will be used in the ABAP program.
Selection Screen – with this attribute, you specify the selection screen of the logical database. It’s an optional attribute only available for ABAP program type executable.
Editor Lock – when set, restricts ABAP program from being modified or deleted by other users.
Fixed Point Arithmetic – Keep this enabled. When set, it rounds type p fields according to the number of decimal places.
Unicode Checks Active – Keeps this enabled. When set, the system will look non-Unicode code and display warning.
Start using Variant – Only for executable programs; when set, the program will look for a variant for execution; it will be mandatory to create at least one variant for program execution.