Object Oriented ABAP method redefinition and super keyword

For scenarios where subclass has to change the implementation of the inherited instance method to have its own implementation, we can use method redefinition. Method redefinition supports only re-implementation of inherited method, signature of the method cannot be changed. Also, the visibility of the redefined method should remain the same as in the parent class.

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Object Oriented ABAP Inheritance Implementation in Local Class

Inheritance is used to derive a new class from an existing class. New class is called child class, subclass or derived class. Existing class is called parent class or superclass. The subclass inherits all the components of the superclass defined under PUBLIC and PROTECTED section, but not under PRIVATE section. Subclass components can access the

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Object Oriented ABAP Generalization, Specialization and Inheritance

Inheritance is an important concept of Object-Oriented programming. But, to really understand the importance of inheritance, you need to first understand the concept of Generalization and Specialization. Inheritance The general concept of Inheritance is : a class ( known as subclass ) inherits another class ( known as superclass ). In Inheritance, the subclass inherits

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