In this article we will discuss about Object Oriented ABAP Local Class Instance Methods, Static Methods and Functional Methods with the help of an example. Here you learn
- Object Oriented ABAP Local Class Methods syntax
- Object Oriented ABAP Instance Methods
- Object Oriented ABAP Static Methods
- Object Oriented ABAP Functional Methods
- Access static attributes
- Access Instance attributes
- Attribute with READ-ONLY addition
Method Signature
Both instance and static methods can have IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING and RETURNING parameters.
METHODS <method name>
[ IMPORTING <iv> TYPE <typename>
EXPORTING <ev> TYPE <typename>
CHANGING <cv> TYPE <typename>
RETURNING VALUE(<rv>) TYPE <typename>
EXCEPTIONS <exception>
RAISNING <exception_class>].
Use VALUE addition to make a parameter pass-by-value. Use OPTIONAL or DEFAULT addition to make a parameter optional. A method with a RETURNING parameter is called a Functional method.
In a class, you can define both static and instance methods. An instance method can access both instance and static components whereas a static method can access only static components.
Syntax to call Instance and Static methods
"to call instance method you need an instance of the class
CALL METHOD obj_ref->methodname
"to call static method using class name
class_name=>methodname "
With SAP NW AS 6.10, CALL METHOD keyword is optional when calling a method.
Object Oriented ABAP Class Implementation example
Class Definition

Class Implementation

Creating Object

Output of the program: