DATA Keyword
Data objects or variables in ABAP are defined with DATA statement. You use an elementary type, or a local type, or a data dictionary global type to define data object.
*defining data objects
TYPES: ty_decimal TYPE P LENGTH 5 decimals 2.
DATA gv_decimal TYPE ty_decimal. "declaration using local type
DATA: gv_number TYPE I VALUE 100, "data declaration using elementary type
gv_name TYPE C LENGTH 30,
gv_kunnr TYPE kunnr. "declaration using data element of ABAP dictionary
DATA : gv_firstname LIKE gv_name, "using LIKE addition
gv_lastname LIKE gv_name.
When creating a Data Object referring to a Data Type use TYPE. Use LIKE keyword when defining data object by referring another data object.
With VALUE keyword you can pre-assign value to Data object.
Use CONSTANTS statement to declare constant in ABAP program. You cannot change the value of constant. VALUE keyword is mandatory for defining constants.
CONSTANTS gv_dicsount TYPE I VALUE 10.
Naming conventions for types and data objects
Global variable ( that is a data object that is globally visible within the program ) – prefix name with gv_
Local variable ( is data objects local to a processing block such as subroutines ) – prefix name with lv_
Prefix with ty_ when declaring a type.
prefix with gc_ for global constants.